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Virtual Reality
Jurassic attack: attacked by dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are brought to life by Japanese innovation company, ON-ART Corp in Tokorozawa, Saitama prefecture.The massive creatures are lightweight, mechanical suits, operated by specially trained pilots. From inside the dinosaur, they use a series of levers and controllers to produce lifelike movements, while a special effects team ad libs roars, growls, and breathing noises.
Jurassic attack: attacked by dinosaurs
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Jurassic attack: attacked by dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are brought to life by Japanese innovation company, ON-ART Corp in Tokorozawa, Saitama prefecture.The massive creatures are lightweight, mechanical suits, operated by specially trained pilots. From inside the dinosaur, they use a series of levers and controllers to produce lifelike movements, while a special effects team ad libs roars, growls, and breathing noises.