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Handle with care: Christie’s preps for fall auctions
Christie’s gallery operations team has just 48 hours to set up the exhibit for their 20th century art sales. Trained in handling precious works, specialists rush to arrange them for public display. Here, they unpack Anselm Kiefer’s “THE HEAVY CARGO.” The massive piece is estimated to sell for as much as 1 million dollars.
Handle with care: Christie’s preps for fall auctions
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Handle with care: Christie’s preps for fall auctions
Christie’s gallery operations team has just 48 hours to set up the exhibit for their 20th century art sales. Trained in handling precious works, specialists rush to arrange them for public display. Here, they unpack Anselm Kiefer’s “THE HEAVY CARGO.” The massive piece is estimated to sell for as much as 1 million dollars.