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Competitors construct human towers
Competitors created human towers in Valls, Spain. The tradition, which dates back to the early 1700s, features teams working to assemble - and disassemble - a human spire without collapsing. The towers, called castells, can grow several stories high.
Stronger people secure a foundation for the structure, as lighter ones, sometimes children, make their way to the top. It’s up to the final climber to make it to the peak, raise their hand to the sky, then begin the journey down. The tradition began in Valls and is now a popular sport throughout Spain’s Catalonia region.
Competitors construct human towers
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Competitors construct human towers
Competitors created human towers in Valls, Spain. The tradition, which dates back to the early 1700s, features teams working to assemble - and disassemble - a human spire without collapsing. The towers, called castells, can grow several stories high.
Stronger people secure a foundation for the structure, as lighter ones, sometimes children, make their way to the top. It’s up to the final climber to make it to the peak, raise their hand to the sky, then begin the journey down. The tradition began in Valls and is now a popular sport throughout Spain’s Catalonia region.