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6 Useful Facebook Lite Tips You Should Try
The Facebook Lite app is one that packed with features, even though it’s only 1.59 MB in size. The base functions allow for all the usual things you can do on the platform at the same time as using much less data and power than the main app. It also has some useful hidden features that you should try to make your experience a smoother, easier one. Here we look at six for you to use.
6 Useful Facebook Lite Tips You Should Try
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6 Useful Facebook Lite Tips You Should Try
The Facebook Lite app is one that packed with features, even though it’s only 1.59 MB in size. The base functions allow for all the usual things you can do on the platform at the same time as using much less data and power than the main app. It also has some useful hidden features that you should try to make your experience a smoother, easier one. Here we look at six for you to use.